Things I already miss from Japan

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Besides the jet lag and figuring out how to get out of the Escher painting otherwise known as Shibuya Station, Japan is treating me good. I have a few days left, but I know I am going to miss more than a few things from the land of the rising sun.

Warmed seat toilets
Going to the toilet can be a real experience. It’s the ‘number 1’ destination! But seriously, there are the occasional squat toilets and then there are the super-fancy automated ones. The best thing about those is that the seats are warmed up, it’s one of those things I never knew I needed until I tried. My first visit to a toilet back home will be disappointing to say the least, but maybe I can just take the hair-dryer with me each time?

Dining out for cheap
Going out every night for dinner and being able to get cheap but delicious and tasty things. My wallet and my belly get to be full! From what I understood cooking can be more expensive than going out here.

Wet tissues
The wet tissues or towels they hand you before every meal and even take-aways is something we need to think about having as standard in all places in West. I am pretty sure this might be the reason the Japanese people get to 100 and older.

Organised rush hour
The Japanese know how to organise their rush hour: the people line up in the queue, trains are on time and there is someone to push people in when needed. I am crying about the idea of having to face rush hour in London very soon.

This tea
Because I obviously won’t find a similar tasting matcha tea in London. I better stock up and find a hiding place in the office, I don’t want my co-workers to discover my hoard of green gold dust.

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  1. Oh my god, the heated toilet seats changed my life. I am planning on having one installed when I finally have my own home. Absolutely amazing. Have the best time and stock up on as many green tea kitkats as you can at the airport on the way home – they’re like crack.

  2. you had me at dining out for cheap! I’m going!! 😉
    I’ve been wanting to go to Japan for years but everyone’s trying to scare me that it’s so expensive. I’ve lived in really expensive places (like Paris and Sydney) so I think it should be fine but still… I love eating out, which is a big part of the travels, and if that is too expensive, I’d rather not go 😉 but now I read this, I’m getting really travel itchy… I might have to book some flights soon 😉

  3. Japan is at the top of my travel list, and now to find out that they have warmed toilet seats too?! Take me there now! Great post 🙂

  4. Ah, precies dit – op het georganiseerde spitsuur na – had ik een jaar geleden over Korea kunnen schrijven! Maar mijn matcha tea is nu op en ik was zelfs vergeten hoe geniaal die verwarmde wc-brillen ook alweer waren… Geniet er nog maar even van!

  5. I miss the amazing restrooms in general and the vending machines on a daily basis. I love this post, reading it has just brought back so many amazing memories from my trip two years ago 🙂 And yes, I could almost cry thinking about the Japanese rush hour when I’m trying to get into a Paris metro car at around 8:30 in the morning.

  6. Wonderful post, and I love the rain photo. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  7. Love your post. Japan is a city that I am curious about. I would love to visit what it seems like an amazing city. Thank you for enumerate the good things they have.