Friday, Five Random Snapshots of This Week

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 presetThe photo above was snapped at #BloggersCakeSchool by the lovely folks at Konditor & Cook and the equally lovely Nuffnang. Keep your eyes peeled for the full post and expect a LOT of cake.

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 presetA friend from the Netherlands came over for a little visit and as always when he visits it revolved around food! Which is no bad thing in my book. We embarked on a food trip around the world – our first destination on our culinary map was DF Mexico in Brick Lane on the Friday.

Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset

In between the bites was time for a few cultural trips – you can’t come to London without visiting Tate Modern – enjoying both the main hall, the art galleries and the rather good view from its bar.

Processed with VSCOcam with a5 presetOur food travels ended on Sunday with this uber delicious blueberry cheesecake magically contained within a jam-jar at All Star (also in Brick Lane). It was painfully good , but I recommend you share it, because I think it weighed more than a bowling ball!

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 presetSpeaking of which, we did manage to do some bowling after all of the food (just!)!

So that was a snapshot of my week. How was yours?

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  1. Your week involved two things I also did! I went to All Stars bowling the night before Cake School. I also love DF Mexico. Sounds like you had a good week.