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30+ London Places That Actually Look Like A Wes Anderson Film

accidentally wes anderson london

Anderson has a special place in my heart. His distinctive visual style, with complementary colour palettes and symmetrical framing makes his movies a treat for the eye and not to mention Instagram worthy. And thanks to #accidentallywesanderson we can find thousands of curated images of places that look like they could be a screengrab from one of his many films. Think a mustard yellow lighthouse, a pastel orange store front or a bright pink bowling alley, to name but a few.

I have too often shouted ‘that’s so Wes Anderson!’ when spotting something that could be a backdrop in one of his movies. And today I’m sharing some real places in London whose colour palette or even fonts could be straight out of a Wes Anderson movie.

Places In London That Actually Look Like A Wes Anderson Film

The Screen on the Green Cinema, Islington

accidentally wes anderson london

Victoria Underground Station, Victoria

accidentally wes anderson london

Kew Palace, Richmondaccidentally wes anderson london

Senate House, Holborn

accidentally wes anderson london

House, Bexleyheathaccidentally wes anderson london

Victoria & Albert Musuem, South Kensington

accidentally wes anderson london

Tower Hill Station, Tower Hill

accidentally wes anderson londonFloring Court, Clerkenwell  accidentally wes anderson london

Kenwood House, Hampstead

accidentally wes anderson london

Borough Market, London Bridgeaccidentally wes anderson london

Camberwellaccidentally wes anderson london


Martini Bar, Barbican Centre

Chelseaaccidentally wes anderson london

Russell Square, Holbornaccidentally wes anderson london

Market Hall Victoria, Victoriaaccidentally wes anderson london

Fresh Fish Daily, Paddingtonaccidentally wes anderson london

Alexandra Palace, Muswell Hillaccidentally wes anderson london

Christ Church, Hampsteadaccidentally wes anderson london

Islington Assembly Hall, Islingtonaccidentally wes anderson londonFulham Palace, Fulham

accidentally wes anderson londonPophams, Arcade Food Theatre

accidentally wes anderson london

Horniman Museum, Forrest Hillaccidentally wes anderson london

Accidentally Wes Anderson London

Abbey Mills Pumping Station

accidentally wes anderson london

Victoriaaccidentally wes anderson london

Kentish Townaccidentally wes anderson london

East Dulwich Picture Gallery, Dulwichaccidentally wes anderson londonCurzon Cinema, Bloomsbury accidentally wes anderson london

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Officeaccidentally wes anderson london

Imperial Hotel, Bloomsburyaccidentally wes anderson london

Wallace Collection, Maryleboneaccidentally wes anderson london

Pharmacie, Maryleboneaccidentally wes anderson london

Eltham Palace, Elthamaccidentally wes anderson london

Islington Fire Station, Islington

Natural History Museum, South Kensington

The Forum, Kentish TownCamberwell Public Baths, Camberwell


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