January – March or Things I’ve Been Doing While Abandoning This Blog

I must admit my weekly and even monthly round-ups weren’t doing it for me, so instead I’m presenting a quarterly update on things I’ve been up to while partly abandoning this blog.

Been There

Dullsville – an afternoon in Groningen – an afternoon in Breda – an evening in Amsterdam, Netherlands: mainly to catch up with family and friends, eat lots of food and to fly my next destination

Barcelona, Spain: to see what the whole fuss was about (yes, I hang my head in shame as a so-called travel blogger who hadn’t visited yet!)

Canterbury – Dover – Leigh-on-Sea, UK: as I may or may not have to leave the country at some point I better start seeing more of it.

Done That

I went into a blissful food coma after indulging in the amazing 7 course tasting menu at The Marquis, Arkham. Radish and gnocchi, who knew? So diverse! So flavorful! Thankfully it was good, as it was a bit remote, so no cheeky Nando’s was an option…

The Great Tower at Dover Castle English Heritage that was furnished as if Henry II and his court was residing at the castle. From the traditional kitchen to the dining hall and the bedrooms: the interiors give you an idea of how the castle looked and an insight of how lives were when it was used as a royal palace. It was nice to put my imagination hat on and imagine what they all got up to with swords, beards and lots of ale!

I was so lucky to have gotten tickets (#nospon) to see Neil Gaiman’s Q&A and read one of the stories from his new book, Norse Mythology in February. The man has such an amazing reading voice and is a brilliant writer and storyteller – his child is so lucky to have him storytelling before bed!

The White Cliffs of Dover is a literal highlight and one of my favorite things I saw during these three months. The views are just breathtaking and not only because I was out of breath from the walk from Dover Castle. AND free chalk! As much as I could carry! (N.B. Please buy chalk from your normal supplier and don’t head to Dover to stock up, it’s possibly illegal).

The scones at Tiny Tim’s Tearoom in Canterbury were absolutely another level. I actually had so little expectations that I didn’t even bother to take a photo as scones mostly disappoint, so you’re going to have to trust me on this one. The scone was bigger than your head – so you may be able to share one between two, three or four people.

I had seen The xx at a festival, in a tent, where it was hot, overcrowded and barely had any atmosphere so I could not image they could play an intimate show. But they proved me wrong and I felt they played for me at their Brixton gig until the lights went on that it, then it was back to the harsh reality.

Like every white basic girl I love a good map so I had to go wandering into the 20th-century maps exhibition at the British Library. My favourites included a Soviet plan of Brighton, Tolkien’s Middle-earth and the one map of Yugoslavia. Sadly you couldn’t buy the rare ones in the gift shop 🙁

Bucket list moment?
Finally setting foot on Spanish soil –  it is after all one of those countries that everyone and their Grandma visited, but a self-proclaimed adventurer like me hasn’t. This month I’m actually crossing off another classic holiday destination of my list.

Well, just this little thing called Brexit, you probably haven’t read about. How I feel about it? To express myself in the words of USA’s 45th president: “sad!” I was born in a country that fell apart 25 years ago and I was assured it wasn’t me … but obviously it is me and I can’t help but wonder what next kingdom I’m going to break up in 25 years.

Six posts went live over the three months, how pathetic! But now I’ve gotten out of winter cocoon, I predict great things coming up. In case you missed it: I wrote on Videy Island and another one on 6 places to eat and drink in Reykjavik, a post on my day exploring Dover Castle, one on monumental changes you’ll face when visiting London in 2017, highlighted some of my favourite things to see and do in Bloomsbury and New Year’s Resolutions For Travellers.

How have you been?

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  1. Ohhh ik ben ook nog nooit in Barcelona geweest *slik*, ook iets waar ik me al jaren voor schaam haha 😉 Eens moet het gebeuren! Ik zou ook nog eens heel graag naar Dover willen, die kliffen lijken me echt waanzinnig mooi.
    Jaaa The XX vond ik echt geweldig, maar sfeer is wel zo belangrijk inderdaad. En Neil Gaiman, zo tof!! Ik ben jaloers….

  2. Seems like you visited some nice places, so you’ll probably have plenty of ideas to write about now like you say yourself too. I’m looking forward to reading them anytime soon. 🙂 🙂 And Barcelona?! I totally love this city.. I’ve been 3 times already!